In July, we finished reading "Too small to ignore" by Wess Stafford, the leader of Compassion international.
In this book, not only does Wess share with us his incredible boyhood experiences when growing up in an African village, he also draws our attention to the suffering and tragic deprivation that children in the world today face. He calls us to open the eyes of our heart to see the strategic importance of the children around us and why they must be protected and cared for.
One thing we need to remember is that a small pebble in the pond of one child's life may send out ripples that eventually transform many others.
On a final note, the bible tells us that Jesus entrusted the little children to our care and we should not cause them to sin (Mat 18:6). We are called to provide safe, nurturing environments for them. It is our job to train a child in the way he should go (prov22:6).
… A must read
Kind regards,

The time has come, argues Dr. Wess Stafford, for a major paradigm shift: Children are too important and too intensely loved by God to be left behind or left to chance. Children belong to all of us and we are compelled to intervene on their behalf. We must invest in children–all across the world.
There are strategic, persuasive reasons–beyond love and kindness–to invest in children. Today they may snuggle into your lap, if you let them. But tomorrow you may not have access to them in the corridors of power they might occupy. Now is the time to shape the future.
Dr. Stafford issues an urgent call for change. His adventures as a boy raised in a West African village provide an often-humorous and always-captivating backdrop to his profound and inspiring challenges. Wess lived the reality of “it takes a village to raise a child” and calls us to “be that loving village for children everywhere.”
This book will encourage you to turn your good, loving intentions into strategic actions and empower you to help change the world–and the future–forever: one child at a time.
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