Thursday 28 March 2013

Braving the Storm

Hi there,
Our group read "Braving The Storm" by Eric Gaudion over Christmas 2012 and had the opportunity to discuss it's contents a couple of weeks ago. This book is about a pastor's daily struggle with pain caused by long term ill-health.
In his book, Eric wrote about trusting God and not losing hope when healing doesn't come. He gave some helpful advice on coping with chronic pain and highlighted the importance of the support the church and church community can give those suffering from chronic pain.
The general consensus within the group was that “Braving the Storm” is a good reading and discussion book worth recommending to others.
If you have read this book, please share your comments and thoughts with us.
Kind regards,




Eric Gaudion has known ill-health for many years. Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis almost killed him, and his life is a daily struggle with pain.


Once the pastor in a thriving church, he saw the ministry he dreamed of slip away. During all his trials, he learned a number of important lessons he shares here -- things that hinder and things that help those suffering as well as biblical lessons. He also has wise and compassionate advice to the church on those who are sick and have not healed.

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