Hello everyone.
This blog has really not been utilised very much, so my next entry will have some suggestions. as to how we can change that.
Hadassah by Tommy Tenney
I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to read this book in preparation for the meeting. I thought I would just ask a few questions to stir some responses.
- Did you find that you went to the source and read Esther alongside the book?
- How do you feel about the fiction aspects of the story?
- Tommy uses the swastika as a device to suggest a parallel with the Holocaust-did you find that this made you consider recent history in a different light?
- There is hardly any direct mention of God in the book of Esther- Does this validate a life spent as a faithful wife and servant of God?
- Do you feel there were parallels with Song of Songs?
- What did God say to you through reading the book?
- Have you read/listened to other Tommy Tenney materials? What is the one message that he preaches and comes through this book?
- Would you recommend this book to anyone else?
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