Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Exciting times ahead

God gave me the idea of starting a book club, 10 months before I actually did anything about it. I am glad I eventually did. When I finally launched “Activate” on the 9th of February 2008, 14 ladies signed up. Since then, “Activate” has been growing in size. My husband once said to me, “where there is God, there is always growth”. Currently, there are 35 ladies signed up.

In order to create room for growth, “Activate” Book Club has now split into three groups. There is only One “Activate” Book Club, which is made up of three small groups. Apart from creating room for growth, the small group will have a cosier atmosphere and will be easier to coordinate. There will be more time for each member to be heard and more time to socialise. However, group members will need to be committed to keep the meetings lively.

Remember, book clubs are meant to be fun. We certainly want “Activate” to be fun. "Activate" isn’t just about reading and discussing the chosen book, it is also about meeting other ladies, developing friendships, learning from each other and strengthening ourselves spiritually.

In order to keep “Activate” exciting, we have opted for a dynamic split. With the dynamic split, the group members are not permanently attached to a group.

The split process is as follows:

· There will be two “big bang” meetings annually where all members of “Activate” will meet.
· These “big bang” meetings will take place every six months, where the groups will re-shuffle so that all groups will hopefully have new members.
· Re-shuffling will be done by balloting (hence some people may end up in the same group as before).
· Apart from the two “big bang” meetings, there will be 4 small group meetings. Every big bang meeting will be followed by two small group meetings.
· In total, we will have six meetings in a year - 4 small group meetings and 2 big bang meetings. Therefore, we will read 6 books annually and will aspire to meet bi-monthly.
· For now, starting from this first split and to avoid any further complexity, all groups will read the same book. Reading the same book will make the “big bang” meetings (where all members of “Activate” meet) easier to organize and handle. As we won’t have to break up into three groups during the meeting to discuss each groups current reading book.
· For “big bang” meetings, we will have the following venues available – K2, Oakwood and Costa Café in Bracknell town centre.
· Group meetings will take place as usual, in member’s houses. Group members will volunteer to host group meetings (we do not impose hosting on members). Where no member of the group volunteers, then the group leader will host the group meeting.
· Ideally, all groups (A, B, C) will meet on the same day (for consistency and time scale) at their various venues. Where not possible, the meetings should be within a week of the other groups meeting. Ideally we want everyone to have the same timescale for reading. This will also be helpful when we have to meet up for the “big bang” meetings.

The dates for our next 3 meetings are as follows:
17th January 2009 – group meeting;
28th March 2009 – group meeting;
13th June 2009 – big bang meeting;
On 17th January 2009, we will meet at our various venues to discuss our current reading book: “BLOOD & FIRE” by Roy Hattersley.
On 28th March 2009, we will meet at our various venues to discuss our next book: “GET OUT OF THAT PIT” By Beth Moore

You can now subscribe to the "Activate" blog by email and receive an email whenever someone posts a comment on the blog.
For those of you who may not want to be active members of “Activate”, but want to read along side us, please feel free to subscribe to the “Activate” blog.
The link below will take you to the “Activate” blog. You can then subscribe to the blog. Please follow the instructions on the screen to complete your subscription.


If you want more information on "Blood & Fire" by Roy Hattersley, a synopsis of this has been posted on the "Activate" blog.

Happy reading!

God Bless.


Blood and Fire

Many years ago I read a biography (no longer in print)of Catherine Booth and was deeply affected by the passion and purpose that this woman had in an age where most women were powerless in a world led by men. I felt that she was a woman of courage and action who lived out the gospel and tirelessly managed to keep the two principles of bold evangelism and selfless social action evident in all that she and her husband did.

Catherine Booth led an exemplary life but also started a movement that we still know today as the Salvation Army. This movement has centres in major cities all over the world ministering to people who are vulnerable. The Sally Army gives practical support, shelter and is a major agency acting to relocate the "lost" both spiritually and those who have run away from home.

This reminds me of the vision and remit of our CAP ministry. We do not live in a world of child labour, work houses, or slums but we do see people enslaved to payment plans that they cannot meet. This book has been written by Roy Hattersley who is a labour peer and was for many years a labour MP. He clearly draws many of his political ideals from these forefathers and I hope that this book will demonstrate that the true source of all compassion and mercy comes from Christ and the compelling call of the gospel.

This book is available on line through a number of sources. I am currently enthralled by the BBC's Little Dorrit written by Charles Dickens. The heroes of this tale use their influence and finance to bring hope and reform for one or two people. The imagery of this programme can help us to know that the Booths were working at the same time to bring hope, health and salvation not just to the privileged who had fallen on hard times but to the least of the brethren.

Enjoy! Jacqui Webber-Gant

Monday, 17 November 2008

Activate meeting update and split

Hello ladies,

Thank you for very much for attending the last “Activate” meeting on Saturday 15th November 2008. It was a wonderful meeting. It was nice to be able to come together once again to share our journey, learn from each other, socialize and discuss “Dangerous Surrender”. You ladies were so real and open, and I believe that sharing together like we do will surely help us all in our spiritual growth, especially at times when we feel we are struggling with our faith.

Thank you Heather for hosting us.

We thank God for the growth of “Activate” which has now led to the book club splitting up into 3 groups.


There is one book club - “Activate”
“Activate” will consist of 3 groups

Group A – Lead by: Ope O
Group B – Lead by: Ly P
Group C – Lead by: Paula R

All 3 groups will read the same book and will meet on the same day at their various venues.
An email will be sent out notifying you of the group you belong and more detailed information about the split.

Our current reading book, chosen by Jacqui is “BLOOD & FIRE” By Roy Hattersley.

A synopsis of the book will be posted up shortly.

Jacqui has kindly amended the “Activate” blog, so you can now subscribe to the blog by email and receive an email whenever someone posts a comment on the blog.

The date for our next meeting, where we will be discussing Blood & Fire is 17th January 2009.

Happy reading!

God Bless.


Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Hi girls

Little did I know what I was letting myself and you into when I chose the book (I liked the title)and I am really sorry to have missed the book club meeting. I found the book both challenging, encouraging and inspiring. I am sure that there are many Martha's out there and a few Mary's.
I always felt guilty that I was a Martha and in some ways still am but encouraged to know even in the business and seasons of life that we can have a Mary heart.

I found the picture of the hoola hoops very apt in my particular season and trying to endeavour to be closer to God - not easy - but thats because I need to sit at his feet!!!


Sunday, 7 September 2008

Our Next Book

Our next book has been chosen by Heather West and is Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren. This book is subtitled "What happens when you say yes to God" and it traces Kay's journey to discover a new area of work by helping to make a difference to people with HIV/AIDS. This book has a study at the back which helps you to think through your own response to each chapter. Kay also has a range of other resources to help you enter her world on her own website including more study resources.

We have just had the privilege of hearing Lynne Hybels speak this morning about her involvement with HIV/AIDS relief work in Zambia and as I was buying my copy of Dangerous Surrender I also bought a copy of Lynne's book "Nice girl's don't change the world." I have already read this as it is a very slim volume, and was pleased to see that money from sales goes to the HIV ministry. This book is a perfect sandwich to transition from Being a Mary in a Martha World to Kay's book.

It tells how Lynne has her own breakthrough from God from a world of surrender to serving everyone else's ministry and deep depression that results from being buried alive to an awakening in to the real self that she alone can be, which gave her the courage and energy to start fresh. Lynne was a Mary barricaded into a kitchen and is now a Mary/Martha set free to live out her own calling in her own way. It is a deeply inspiring story demonstrating how Jesus loves and woos us and will never stop trying to reach us with his undeserved love and grace. So I have the book if you need to borrow it, but if you can invest in Lynne's ministry and buy a copy yourself!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Having Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

This is a thought provoking book that one can return to at different stages of one's life and find new nuggets of truth relevant to the ever changing needs that each season of our life brings. I took some time to get into the flow of the book because I am essentially not a Martha or "kitchen" type of person. I am far more comfortable with Mary in the "living room" and welcome the service that the Martha's around me offer!

I found the section in chapter 6 about kitchen service most helpful, and in particular this quote, "Service without spirituality is exhausting and hopeless. But in the same respect, spirituality without service is barren and selfish." This captures the whole issue of balancing the two as if they were two sides of a coin and must always be together in our lives.

I discovered the study at the end of the book when I had finished it (der????)-so perhaps you might like to use it as you read through it and really let the book work through you like yeast in dough. Jacqui

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Reminder for the next "ACTIVATE" meeting

The details of the next meeting are as follows:

Date: Saturday, 6th September 2008.
Hostess: Ly P
Venue: ......
Time: 7.30pm

Val Cottee will be joining us at this meeting to share briefly with us some of her teachings on "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world". At this meeting, Heather West will be disclosing the next reading book. I’m sure she has something interesting in mind for us.

Thank you Ly for offering to host us.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

God Bless.


Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Dear All,

Having heard about the book and not having read it, I have now done so in two nights. I really enjoyed it and it made me want to read Esther again with a new perspective, that I am in process of doing.

I am not yet started the new book and if anyone has already read it I would love to borrow their copy please. I am away for the next few days but back home Monday.

Thank you Paula for a lovely evening of laughter and fun at your house. I quite enjoyed the film although it was very sentimental and a bit naff in places!!


Monday, 18 August 2008


Hello Ladies,

I hope you are all making the best out of this year's summer.

I just thought to see how everyone is doing and how the current reading book "Having a mary heart in a martha world has touched us individually.

I hope to see you all at the next meeting on Saturday the 6th of September at 7.30pm. It will be taking place at Ly's house. I will send out a reminder closer to the date.

Enjoy the week ahead and God bless you all.



Hello Ladies,

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Ladies movie night on Friday 1st August 2008

Hello ladies,

I hope you are all in good health. Wish I could say the same for myself as I have been off work the past couple of days with cold, cough, migraine and fatigue. Hopefully, I should be back at work tomorrow.

This is just a reminder that we will be having our ladies movie night this Friday, 1st August 2008 at Paula Ridgway’s house to watch Hadassah – ‘One night with the king’. Time is 7pm prompt.

It will be nice if you can make it. Please let both myself and Paula know if you won’t be able to make it.

By the way, have we all picked up our copies of our current reading book – ‘Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world’ by Joanna Weaver. If you haven’t, I’ll like to encourage you to pick it up as soon as possible, as our discussion meeting for this book will be Saturday, 6th September. If you have any questions for discussion on this book, can you please post these on the blog, so as to kick start the brain storm session we will be having at the next meeting. Val Cottee will be joining us at the next meeting to share with us on her teaching on this topic.

See you all on Friday.

Stay blessed.


Friday, 11 July 2008

Preparation for our meeting to discuss Hadassah

Hello everyone.

This blog has really not been utilised very much, so my next entry will have some suggestions. as to how we can change that.

Hadassah by Tommy Tenney

I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to read this book in preparation for the meeting. I thought I would just ask a few questions to stir some responses.
  • Did you find that you went to the source and read Esther alongside the book?
  • How do you feel about the fiction aspects of the story?
  • Tommy uses the swastika as a device to suggest a parallel with the Holocaust-did you find that this made you consider recent history in a different light?
  • There is hardly any direct mention of God in the book of Esther- Does this validate a life spent as a faithful wife and servant of God?
  • Do you feel there were parallels with Song of Songs?
  • What did God say to you through reading the book?
  • Have you read/listened to other Tommy Tenney materials? What is the one message that he preaches and comes through this book?
  • Would you recommend this book to anyone else?
Please do share your thoughts, responses here or in person. Jacqui

Monday, 12 May 2008

Joni brief review...

OK, I've finished the book and found it quite readable. I remember hearing about 'Joni' some years ago and the story seemed frightning then tbh..I didn't really like the idea of a young girl being paralysed etc.. so failed to grasp the other lessons back then. Reading it now years later I am able to see how God used this incident for His glory and the stength of her faith is overwhelming and challenging. Also seeing life from her perspective and the things that now held importance to her after the accident, her fervency to practically apply the word of God was also an eye opener for me... Anyway I've been reveiwing a few books as I'm choosing the material next for the club and I'm torn btwn two very diff books. One is quite readable and I guess more light hearted and a familiar story to us, the other covers deep issues for us christians to face up to... hm I pray God leads me to choose the right book he wants us to learn something from.xx E

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

JONI - Update

Hello Ladies,

Just keeping in touch with you all. I hope by now you have all purchased your copies of JONI and are well into reading the moving story. In an instant, her life changed from an active, full of life teenager, to being totally paralysed.....

I better say no more so that I don't spoil it for those of you who have just started reading it.

So far, I am amazed at the faith shown by Joni as a young girl, the way she holds on to God's words and promises on healing . It makes me think of scripture about the "mustard seed" faith.

On a closing note, let me encourae us all to have total faith in the Almighty Lord in whatever trials we face.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 17th of May.

By the way, no one seems to be using the blog! Please let's use it to keep in touch, or if you prefer emails, by all means send emails.

God Bless.



Friday, 18 April 2008

Keeping in touch

Hello Ladies,

I hope you are all well and in good health. By now, I hope we have all bought our copies of “Joni”. If not, you can order a copy from Amazon.com or from Play.com.
Can I remind you that we will be meeting in a month’s time on Saturday, 17th May 2008, at Paula Ridgway’s house, starting at 7.30 pm. I encourage you all to get reading. It will be great if we can all participate fully during the discussions at the next meeting.

Danielle Seidu will be chairing the meeting as she chose the reading material.

A big thank you to Jacqui for setting up the blog. Ladies, let us make the best use of this blog to share and encourage each other.

May the Almighty Lord Bless you all.

Happy reading.



Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Welcome to Activate

Over the last month we have been reading "The Confident Woman" by Joyce Meyer. Please briefly share here any insights that you have discovered as a result of reading this book. Keep your comments to one or two paragraphs. Please encourage each other by replying to each other's comments. Joyce has a daily podcast and an excellent website where you can watch online videos of her practical teaching.

The next book that we will be reading is Jonie which is a testimony book. We will discuss this book after the next meeting.